Engagement Diamonds - Just the Facts

Wed, 06/26/2013 - 12:31

One of the most common questions asked when purchasing a diamond is "What do people usually choose for (color/clarity/size/budget, etc)?" Even though none of us consider ourselves "typical", we always want to know where we fall on the spectrum of choices. Lumera has the answer.

By aggregating all purchases of engagement diamonds, Lumera is able to show each individual purchaser how their choice of diamond stacks up against all other diamonds purchased. The single page engagement diamond fact sheet shows the relative popularity of the different color and clarity choices available to customers, as well as the average diamond size and price, and how those values break out over the spectrum of diamond sales; from under half, to over three carats.

The diamond guide should not be used to find the "right" answer to questions such as "Which color is best for my setting?" or "What is the lowest clarity to show no flaws to the naked eye?" These are individual questions that require the customer to evaluate their own particular expectations and needs, and are often best answered through the assistance of a consultant.

That said, what the information can do, is give the customer some valuable perspective on how their individual choices in searching for a diamond compare to larger trends. This comparison may lead to a better or more informed purchase decision, or to further discussions with a consultant about the best diamond options.

Please feel free to email or call a consultant for further guidance or to have any additional questions answered.
